Friday, August 25, 2006


Harlan 16lbs 5.7ozs
Lanier 18lbs 3.7ozs

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tooth number 2 for Harlan

Well Harlan now has 2 teeth on the bottom. As soon as she will let us, we will try and get a pic of them to post.

Also, we are waiting on our pictures to come in from the July sitting we did at the university. Hopefully they will let us scan them in, so that I can post a couple here. We have also gotten some good video over the last few weeks and hopefully I will be able to get them uploaded, edited and post some of the more fun clips.

Dana may take the girls in this week or first of the next to get a weight check on the girls.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Quick Update

Well this will be a short post. Mainly to let everyone know that I have not forgotten to update it. We had our family vay and I'm still getting back into the grove at work, so when all settles down I will update with our trip and some new pics.