Friday, June 27, 2008

Rough Days

Well over the last several weeks, Harlan has been a handful. When she is not sleeping (rare that she sleeps), not eating (eats all the time) she is having a fit about something. Doesn’t want to go out, doesn’t want to stay in, doesn’t want to play, doesn’t what to go to the basement to play and so on. After a few hours of this a day, she crashes out for a nap. Only to wake up wanting to eat again.

Repeat cycle

Be glad when the terrible two’s are gone.

Lanier has her moments, but are easier to deal with since they only happen rarely.


looking forward to the 3's
Hate to tell you. None of my kids had the T  2"s its the 3's.  A few months before turning 3 and through out the third year is the Terrible 2's
Thursday, August 14, 2008 - 09:06 AM

Friday, June 20, 2008

New Pics, Vids on the way + Misc stuff

I’m close to being able to load some more videos and pictures of the girls. Hopefully if the weekend is slow I can bust some of them out.

In the mean time,

  1. The girls have been going to MMO (Mother’s Morning Out). they seem to be having a good time, but odd thing is they switch personalities when they get there. Very odd.
  2. Both are getting the hang of the potty, but we still have some issues with it. The stickers they get as a reward seem to be helping.
  3. Harlan is trying to eat us out of house and home. I swear see puts away as much as I do and she doesn’t get big, she just burns it off. Granted that’s easy when you go at 100 mph all the time. Just need to get her to eat more veggies. Lanier loves her veggies, Harlan tolerates them, sometimes.
  4. The twitter updates seem to be working, when twitter is working.
  5. If we had more folks that viewed video on the web, I would set up a Stickam page and then the girls can get on the air live. If this is something that would be interesting, post a comment and I can set something up. This would be private, so you would need to sigh  up for a free account.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Movies Posted

Was finally able to get back to editing some movies from the girls. I have posted 3 little clips, you can find them on the movie page above. These are from the Feb-March 2008 time frame, so I’m a little behind. Enjoy