Monday, March 27, 2006

Ms. Lanier sporting her going out dress

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Ms Harlan ready for day on the town

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Bunnies ate my feet

Lanier models her bunny shoes

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Getting bigger

This past Friday Dana took the girls in to be weighed so that we could up the dosage of there reflux medicine. The bigger they get the high the dosage.

Harlan 10lbs, 12 ozs
Lanier 11lbs 11ozs

Lanier still has lead in the weight department. With this extra little bit of weight, it has allowed her to take the lead in the tummy time activities. She can really hold her head up and start that crawl thing, altogether she doesn't go anywhere. We are still a ways from her starting to crawl.

Harlan's tummy time seem to consist of sucking on her hand while on her tummy time mat. Although she has made good progress in the last week and is getting the hang of holding her head up

Monday, March 13, 2006

McKenzie and Harlan

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

New stuff, sold stuff and learning

Well as we go through the baby and twin experience, we have learned a few things. Now these things may only apply to us since we have twins.
  1. Changing table was a waste. We have done most of our changes in the crib or on the floor.
  2. Must have cradle swings
  3. No time is a good time to give medicine. They don't like it anytime.


Well Dana has been hitting the baby sales both as a buyer and seller. We had one down the street at a local church. We got some old maternity clothes, baby stuff we thought we would need but didn't, and other items together to sell. We took nearly 75 items and sold all but like 6 items. We also picked up some baby stuff for a good price.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The hair and Lanier

Well we had quite the little scare, or at least it made our hearts race a good bit. We were getting ready to head over to the grandparents house. Dana was dressing the girls and then was going to feed them. I was taking a shower. When I finished my shower, Lanier was screaming up a storm, at first thought it was because momma was dressing Harlan and not paying attention to her. So I went over and picked her up to try and sooth her. Well in the process I happened to notice her hand. She had somehow managed to take a strand of Dana’s hair and wrap it around her finger. It was so tight that the finger was bright red and it was actually drawing a small amount of blood from the underside of the finger.

Well we both jumped into action to try and remove the hair. After a few minutes we were able to get a pair of tweezers under the hair and pop it loose. The second it came loose, Lanier stopped crying and Mom and Dad breathed a sigh of relieve. For a bit there we didn’t think would be able to get it off, because Lanier was not helping much by keeping her hand in a tight ball.

Well after that all was well until that night she tried to do it again, but we caught it before it got tight.

Well apparently Lanier will grow up to be a magician because we can’t figure out how she is managing to wrap that little string of hair so tight. But all is well now and she only has a small mark to show that it had happened.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mom did better than the Professionals

Here are some pics that mom did. She figured if the professionals can use a bean bag chair and a blanket, then why not her. I say she did rather well with these. She keeps this up, we'll have to upgrade the camera and get some super shots.

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